✅biological Application:
✅biological fungicide ketomium Special treatment of diseases: Root rot✅biological flowers rot✅biological fungicide fruit rot✅biological fungicide ketomium wilt✅thủy kim sinh leaf spot✅thuy kim sinh leaf bligh✅tks powdery mildew✅chế phẩm sinh học Pyricularia oryzae✅biological✅biological fungicide✅biological fungicide ketomium
✅thuy kim sinh Control and increase the immunity of the crop✅thủy kim sinh
✅chế phẩm sinh học Decomposition of cellulose into nutrients for crop✅chế phẩm vi sinh increases the humus layer of the soil✅che pham sinh hoc increase soil fertility✅thuy kim sinh
✅che pham sinh hoc Direction For Use:
✅biological Crop
✅biological fungicide ketomium 20 – 40 ml/15 litres water✅nơi bán che pham use 3-5liter/1ha
✅chế phẩm sinh học Spray wet stems✅biological leaves and roots of the crop
✅che pham sinh hoc - Treatment: 7days/times✅biological fungicide 3-4 times in a row✅biological
✅biological fungicide ketomium Pyricularia oryzae✅thuy kim sinh sheath blight✅tks✅chế phẩm sinh học✅chế phẩm vi sinh✅che pham sinh hoc
✅men vi sinh Phytophthora Root rot✅chế phẩm sinh học Colletotrichum✅san pham vi sinh Fusarium spp✅men vi sinh✅nơi bán che pham✅biological✅biological fungicide
✅chế phẩm sinh học Notes:
✅che pham sinh hoc - Use of high-dose (40ml/15 liter water) when the crop when the crop have signs of severe infection✅biological fungicide ketomium
✅sản phẩm vi sinh - Should be mixed with fertilizer preparations AT microbial to increase treatment and helps plants quickly recover✅thủy kim sinh
✅men vi sinh - Can be mixed with pesticides and other fertilizers✅thuy kim sinh